Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Disaster On September 11, 2001

In September 11, 2001 known as (911) the twin towers in New York were attacked by terrorist. 2 jets crashed with the towers, causing the deaths of many. 5 days later, bush called for a war on terror and then call it a “crusade”, this really worried many in Europe, fearing that amricans will attack all muslims, similar to the first crusade. It was a bad idea to compare the current war to the crusade because it recalls the barbarous and unjust military operations against the Muslim world. The people who fought the original crusade were the Christians and Muslims.
By: Juan Santana & Bresgilbert Balcacer

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

King Phillip

King Phillip 2nd had a dream of conquering the world. He was the king of Macedonia which was located north from ancient Greece. He soon conquered Persia and much of the land of India. But his dream was burned down when he was killed by his own bodyguard while attending his daughter’s wedding. Soon after his death, his son Alexander (who would later be known as Alexander the Great) took control and began to conquer more land and soon conquer what was known as the “Seleucid Kingdom” which was a large piece of land. Soon when all these conquered lands came together and combined, the culture known as “Hellenistic” was created.

Juan. S, Betty .B

Gladiator Fights And Moder Day Distractions

In the roman times thousands of people would go to the circus to watch the gladiators fight. Gladiators fought tigers and other men’s. The way the fights would end was either thumbs up or thumbs down. Thumbs up meant to let them live and thumbs down was to kill them. The crowd usually played the roles of these life-and-death decisions. They called this entertainment; these people went to watch them fight for free. In today’s modern day circus are stilled used for entertainment but things aren’t as bad as before, even though things haven’t changed a bit because when someone is watching a fight they’re always anxious to know what’s going to happen. Most of the times these types of entertainment are found in newspapers and in TV that way it look more interesting. Everything is practically the same just that back then it was gladiators fight and now is the same just called wrestling, boxing, kick-boxing, and much more. Another name could be like “violent entertainments”.
Betty. B, Juan. S

Friday, December 21, 2007

Geography of Ancient Greece

Greece, a country that’s south Eastern Europe. Its peninsula extends from Baikons to the Mediterranean Sea. It has many mountains with many gulfs and bags. Some areas are filled with forest, much of Greece could be called “story” and that’s why it may be suitable for pasturage. But in some areas, you can grow wheat, barley, citrus, dates, and olives. Also, Greece is divided in 3 areas Northern Greece, Central Greece, and Peloponnese. Since there are too many mountains separating every city, and also that there are too many islands to be controlled by one single person, they all become “City-States” (every city is controlled by a different individual).
What were the 3 regions in which Ancient Greece was divide in?
Juan Santana

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Athens vs. Sparta


Would you rather spend your life serving the military in Sparta or actually getting an education? In Athens there government is a democracy, which means he is ruled by a group of people through voting. In Sparta there government is an oligarchy, which is a government controlled by a few powerful people with control of the military. Athens are much more concerned with education and arts, unlike Sparta there more concerned with military service. If you hit the age of 7 age you lives in Sparta you had to serve the military. Athens value individuals which mean they do most of the things on their own and make their own decisions. Sparta values group. That means that everything they do is mostly in group and all their decisions all made together and they all have to agree. You tell me, would you rather live in Athens or Sparta.

Bresgilbert Balcacer

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Golden Age in Ancient Greece

Golden age is a time of peace and prosperity. Golden age was in ancient Greece from 477 to 431 b.c. During the golden age in Greece Pericles ruled. Pericles had 3 specific policies. One of them was strengthening democracy, he paid government workers. The other policy was strengthening Athenian Empire; he controlled the Delaine League which controlled all city-states. The last policy was glorifying Athens; he pays artists and architects to create arts. Now that you have read our blog u will be able to answer the following question: What were the 3 specific policies Pericles made?