Thursday, December 13, 2007

Golden Age in Ancient Greece

Golden age is a time of peace and prosperity. Golden age was in ancient Greece from 477 to 431 b.c. During the golden age in Greece Pericles ruled. Pericles had 3 specific policies. One of them was strengthening democracy, he paid government workers. The other policy was strengthening Athenian Empire; he controlled the Delaine League which controlled all city-states. The last policy was glorifying Athens; he pays artists and architects to create arts. Now that you have read our blog u will be able to answer the following question: What were the 3 specific policies Pericles made?


Jorge M. said...

He paid artists to create art, he strengthened the democracy and expanded the Athenian empire by controling the Delian league

Deya A. & Melanie M. #1 said...

we now the answer! Pericles' three policies were to strenghthen the Athenian empire, to strenghthen democracy, and to glorify Athens.
we like your page!

Anonymous said...

The answer for the 3 policies were strength the Athenian Empire, Strengthen Democracy, and glorify Athens. NICE PAGE!!!!!!!!